Integration checklist

The CereTax integration checklist outlines the integration functions we believe are necessary to ensure a stable and robust integration with your application. Some of the functions below may not be applicable to your integration. The functions below should be evaluated against your application's unique functionality and the required use cases for your integration.

Integration Set-up

Select CereTax EnvironmentUsers have the ability to connect to the CereTax CERT (Sandbox) and Production environments.
Configure CredentialsUsers can configure their CereTax API Key and profile for each CereTax environment
Test ConnectionUsers can test the connection between CereTax and the integration
Turn Integration On/OffUsers have the option to turn the CereTax integration off or on
Invoice-level DefaultsUsers have the option to select invoice-level defaults for Customer Type and Business Type
LineItem-level DeaultsUsers have the option to select line-level defaults for PS Code, Unit Type, and Tax Included
Populating CereTax Data ValuesData values from CereTax's Data API can be populated and refreshed manually or automatically to support drop-down selections for relevant fields within the integration.
Enable LoggingUsers have the ability to turn logging off and on. When logging is turned on, the details of the CereTax requests and responses are saved within the integration and accessible to users.The spirit of this requirement is to assist customers and support in troubleshooting any issues that may arise within the integration due to CereTax requests/responses.
DocumentationA User Implementation Guide is available and contains screenshots and information allowing the end user to configure and manage the integration.


Create Transaction RequestsCreate transaction requests for all applicable request types (sale, telco, and/or purchase) can be sent to CereTax with the required and appropriate data populated in the CereTax data structureAll fields and objects noted as required in CereTax's API documentation must be passed in your requests. The Create transaction endpoints will return an error when required fields are not passed. We also highly recommend passing as many non-required fields as possible in each transaction request so end-users can take full advantage of CereTax's reporting functionality and rules engine.
Create Transaction ResponsesCreate transaction responses for all applicable request types (sale, telco, and/or purchase) returned from CereTax can be accurately parsed and stored as needed within the integration
View Transaction DetailsTransaction tax details are visible to the end-user within the integration at any point in time.This can be accomplished from storing the tax details directly within the integration, or by calling the List Transactions endpoint to retrieve the transaction tax details as needed
Update Transaction StatusesTransaction statuses can be updated as needed and appropriate
Reverse Posted TransactionsPosted transactions that are voided within the integration are reversed in CereTax

Address Validation

Individual Address ValidationUsers have the option to validate individual addresses within the integration and can save validated address results as needed and appropriate.
Bulk Address ValidationUsers have the option to bulk validate addresses within the integration and can save validated address results as needed and appropriate.
Transaction-level Address ValidationUsers have the option to turn transaction-level address validation off or on

Customer Configuration

Configure Customer TypeUsers have the option to select a customer type on individual customer records. When a customer type is set at the customer-level, it takes precedence over the integration settings selection.
Configure ExemptionsUsers have the option to associate exemptions on individual customer records using the following exemption fields: state, taxType, taxTypeClass, taxLevel, taxExemptionPercentage, and reason

Product, Service, and Charges Configuration

Configure Products and ServicesUsers have the option to assign PS Codes to individual product and service records. When a PS Code is assigned at the product/service-level, it takes precedence over the integration settings selection.
Configure ChargesUsers have the option to configure charges, like shipping, handling, insurance, and misc. charges so they can be populated on the transactionCharges object in Create Transaction requests.

Error Handling

Display ErrorsAny errors returned from CereTax are logged and/or displayed appropriately within the integration for end users.Assuming all API requirements are met, there should be no errors except those that would result from normal (but invalid) user input, i.e. invalid address data, or missing configurations, i.e. psCode is not assigned to a lineItem.