Filtering & pagination with CereTax APIs


Filtering can be done on any of the CereTax APIs that support the $filter query parameter. This parameter allows you to search for records that match specific criteria. For example, if you want to search for all of the sale transactions for a specific customer, you could submit the following request:

GET /sale?$filter=customerAccount eq ABC Incorporated

CereTax supports the following comparison operators for filtering:

Comparison operatorSymbolExample
EqualseqinvoiceDate eq 01-01-2023
Not equalneinvoiceDate ne 01-01-2023
Greater thangtinvoiceDate gt 01-01-2023
Greater than or equal togeinvoiceDate ge 01-01-2023
Less thanltinvoiceDate lt 01-01-2023
Less than or equal toleinvoiceDate le 01-01-2023

Additionally, if you need to retrieve records that match a combination of filter criteria, you can use logical operators, like and & or, to combine multiple statements.

Logical operatorSymbolExample
AndandinvoiceDate eq 01-01-2023 and customerAccount = ABC
OrorinvoiceDate eq 01-01-2023 or customerAccount = ABC


Pagination is supported on any of the CereTax APIs with the perPage and page parameters. These parameters allow you to handle pagination within your own applications and to only retrieve records that need to be displayed.

  • The perPage parameter controls the specific number of records that should be returned on each page of results. If you pass a value of 20, then the results in the response will be limited to 20 records per page.
  • The page parameter controls the specific page of results you want to retrieve. The number of pages depends on the total number of records matching your request and the perPage value in your request.
  • For example, if 100 records match your request and you submit a perPage value of 20, there will be 5 pages of results. Submitting a page value of 2 would retrieve records 21 through 40.

The total number of results in your request, regardless of page size, will be returned in the totalResults parameter.